Thursday, June 18, 2009

New York Moment

my life is boring, here's the kind of people you meet in NY (email from my sister)

New York moment‏
Amy Segal
Thu 6/18/09 4:33 PM
Lisa Sullivan
I had a total New York moment yesterday during my morning walk. The High Line just opened a week ago, which is that elevated rail track in the Meatpacking district that they've turned into a park (good article from NYT: )

and I was on it at 7 a.m. and there was hardly anyone else there which was fabulous b/c at other times of day there are lines and I stopped to take a picture of something b/c the vantage points are really interesting and then I noticed that this woman was also taking a picture and I thought I might have stepped into her frame so I said, "Oh, I'm sorry, I hope I didn't step into your shot." and she said, "not at all" and we started talking about the High Line and the neighborhood and all the changes it's gone through over the years and she said she's lived in the area for a zillion years and was really opposed to The Standard Hotel

but then decided she likes it. THen she talked about how she had photographed the changes over time and I started to get the impression she was kinda somebody between that and the fact that it was 7 in the morning and she had gold glitter on her face when she pulled out her business card (Coco McPherson, Rolling Stone, Associate Editor) to write her personal website on the back with her photographs of the neighborhood that she thought I'd be interested in seeing.
I of course had never heard of her and then googled her and saw she acted in I Shot Andy Warhol and was also in Best of Village Voice. Anyway, she's super cool. Maybe if I put glitter on my face, I can hang out with her sometime. :)

p.s. she wrote that article above about The Standard btw.


  1. ahh, but i love your life and your moments. and though ive never seen glitter on your face, i've made similar comments and an email about meeting you. all perspective i suppose.

  2. ur right, i'll stop whining, but I'm going to get some gold glitter anyway :)
