Saturday, May 15, 2010


I love to eat. I hate to exercise. I "Botox" and "liposuction" my online self to a thinner version via Photoshop and run past mirrors in real life as fast as I can. But something clicked last night. Something's got to change and I can't seem to do it on my own. I started going to Weight Watchers when I was 13 and it's been an on and off again relationship since then. Mostly off, obviously. So, starting today, we're back on. Me and all my new friends, clapping over a pound here and a pound there, learning to plan ahead, write stuff down, eat less, exercise 30 minutes most days, drink lots of water, less alcohol, less sugar. Today's lesson - the difference between support and sabotage. Good to know. They also have a mirror that I didn't want to run past. A "magic" mirror. It realistically takes off 20 pounds, so I lingered and took in every beautiful, skinny angle, hoping for an even smaller version next Saturday.

*Weight Watchers, Lisa's Doin' it

1 comment:

  1. How can you make photoshop do that? :) When I photoshop a picture it only offers color enhancement and cropping. I mean, I could crop out my hips completely, but...

    I love WW points. I've been on them for years.
