Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I'm becoming my mother. For as long as I can remember, she has mailed me snippets of articles that I just must read. She's always loved the mail. She loves getting it and sending it. She could be standing right in front of me with an envelope with my address on it and will not give it to me, instead leaving to stop at a post office on her way home and drop it in their box. Granted, most of my Mom's envelopes are full of good stuff, interesting topics, cute cards. Today I'm mailing an article to Shana down in Tucson. It's about Toms shoes. She loves Toms shoes. Owns at least one pair. I never really knew much about this company, except I thought the shoes were a little weird looking, until I got my handy dandy Costco Connection magazine and the adorable owner was on the cover. He gives away one pair of shoes for every one he sells. He has been to lots of Third World countries and seen the devastation that can be prevented by just giving somebody a pair of shoes. The article chronicles his beginnings as an entrepreneur, starting back at 19 with a laundry service. The company is organic, has a small footprint (no pun intended), is trying to spread the "one for one" philosophy and only wishes that they could make shoes faster. I learned a lot. I hope Shana does, too.


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