Wednesday, October 7, 2009

And she's off...

Last night, for the first time in Shana's college career, I got the feeling that she's finally in the swing of things, she's in the groove. I've been nagging for over a year about the importance of joining groups, getting involved in the school, really getting to know teachers, making new, non-high school friends, etc. and I always got the 'ol smile and nod (which I have, if I do say so myself, perfected). Her first semester was a depressing, impossibly challenging, trying too hard to be the perfect Daddy's Girl by taking junior level classes disaster. Second semester shaped up much better. Her grades went way up, she was Teacher's Pet in one class, her Advisor loved her and helped get her back on track, she made a couple of new dorm friends and joined two sports teams, soccer and softball. But now, sophomore year, she is shining and I love it. One of her teachers called her by name in the first couple of weeks (it wasn't in her 500 student class, but still, she was excited), she's organizing study groups, going to theater performances, even ushered one of them for a class and has made two new good friends in the last month, going to movies and sitting around with them in coffee shops, drinking chai. She joined the Blue Chip Society and the Young Democrats Club. Shana's always been outgoing and the center of attention, but something else seems to have clicked. There are still the frat parties and the too much TV, but the kid's on a roll, the mom is ecstatic and the nagging has stopped.

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