Saturday, December 18, 2010

Coming or Going?

There's a new rule at the Costco food place. Line up like you're at Disneyland, but without the metal chains. They used to have the individual lines like at the bank drive-thru, but sometimes you could get stuck in the wrong line, behind some crazy person that needs hot dogs, an entire pizza, fro yo, the works and just watch helplessly as the other lines move smoothly by you. Infuriating, but that, at least, I understand. Today, though, I was confused. I got in behind these three characters to get a Diet Coke. Where are they? Are they coming or going? All three, being difficult. Holding up traffic. Flaunting the absence of chains. Stepping over the line. On the crazy last Saturday before Christmas. Pick a line, people, pick a line.

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