Wednesday, June 3, 2009


My life used to be crazy. I used to juggle a baby, a husband, a job, a degree, friends, family, but eventually the Work/Life Merry-Go-Round slowed down. Things got easier. The baby grew up and moved out (but still comes home a lot, thank God), the husband and I finally figured out how to pay attention, the degrees got awarded, the learning curve kicked in and the job got easier, maybe even moved into auto-pilot land, the once a week phone calls and BBQs and Happy Hours turned into every other week, then once a month, then "I'll see you at the Christmas party, maybe." I still have friends that are riding those 100 mph Merry-Go-Rounds. I heard from one today - the baby, the husband, the crazy work hours, the "I'm dead tired" days. I wish I could say it'll get better. I wish I could say to just try to enjoy the ride. I suggested a quality vs. quantity mentality for awhile, sneak in some good moments every now and then, but she probably didn't hear me. I hope she was taking a nap.


  1. Some great advice. All of us Mom's with babes need a reminder, and a full glass of wine, every so often.

  2. oh, but am I allowed? that's what i really think. sigh. its coming. reminders are good.
