Thursday, January 28, 2010


I'm a local girl, born and raised in Phoenix. I've left a few times, but I keep coming back. One of the reasons is Camelback Mountain. I love it. It keeps me grounded. It tells me where I am - if I'm on this side, then I'm North, over here, East. Sometimes even when I'm out of town and lost, I'll try to figure out where Camelback would be and somehow that helps me. I like to see it when I take off from Phoenix, say a silent little good-bye and then I never feel like I'm really back home until it shows up through one of those small airplane windows. My fifth grade teacher from Hopi school, Mr. Boyd, once told me that Camelback gets smaller and smaller every day. Well, this morning, it was gone. Poof. Totally covered by fog. I felt empty. Sort of like part of me was gone. Lost.

1 comment:

  1. I love Camelback too, and all the other mountains. Arizona is just home, hard to explain to some people, but when I drive south down Tatum towards McDonald and I see Camelback Mountain close enough to touch I think, how can I live in a place this beautiful? Now I just need one of those houses!
